Sunday, December 26, 2010


Another year of my life has passed and a new decade is about to begin This year was exceptionly one that i wont forget. Losing loved ones and gaining them. I lost so much but gained heaps. This was the year my baby brother Lucas was born. That day was a rush. It didn't seem real at all. It felt like a dream. But after weeks went by it finally soaked in. I also finally went on a thrilling aeroplane for the first time. I was freaked out. But it wasn't that bad. This year was also the year i picked up so many buisness skills thanks to our pathways assighment organised by Ms Burtzynski and Miss Kuprys. There were so many other adventures i would like to talk about but that means writing all night. So this is just an outline. There is one thing for sure. 2010 is a year that i will defintly tell my kids about. Bring on the next decade.

Dylan Cohen


This year's christmas was really good. Not only it being Lucas's first christmas it was also my Puppie Peyton, My cousin Amber and many more. It was very exciting. I got hundreds of dollars and not alot of presents. But that was the way i liked it. I liked the idea of going shopping and buying truly what you want.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The day has come!

Orientation day is here. My brother is now officialy a sunshine west year seven student. Tommorow is his graduation so it is official :(

*I have just recieved a note saying i have won a west campus award! Wahoo! :) I wander what i got it for. My best guess is Pathways though*

Sunday, December 5, 2010

2 Weeks to go :)

Yes! In two weeks my schooling for twenty ten is over. The only thing bad about this is that now I'm in year nine. There's another thing bad about next year too. My younger brother *Corey* is coming to high school. It's bad enough living with him and now i have to come to school with him. It's like hell has broken loose. *Literally* My brother is coming here tomorrow for orientation day. :(

* P.S. I'm going to miss our weekly writers/book club. More writers than book though.*

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I finished my reseme for pathways. I managed to fit it all on one page.

* I hope i win a west campus award on thursday. *
*Fingers crossed*

Monday, November 29, 2010


At last, i have got five followers due to Stephanie Van Uden adding me becoming my fifth follower. I'm gonna try to get to at least seven by the end of the year!

*Fingers Crossed*

Signed: Dylan Cohen

Thursday, November 25, 2010

One more wait! Wait, now it's two!

Not only am i still waiting for Scream 4, now i am waiting for the last part of the popular series written by J.K. Rowling 'Harry Potter' to come out. More and more movies keep coming.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Harry Potter 7

Yes, finally the long wait is over. The most anticipated movie of the year is finally in cinemas tomorrow. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows is gonna rock the movie industry. Although i have read the book i still can't wait to see the second last of the harry potter series.!!!!!! :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

At Last!!!

Victory!!! My group raised the most money for UNICEF! And also, the project is finally over, after coming to school on a saturday in our uniform, after going around collecting money for out of uniform and after supervising the halo tournament, we have finally finished our pathways studies. Studing this topic for a couple of months is really tirering. There was a very long road and it used alot of hard work and energy. I'm just glad it's finally over. Yipee!!!!

Guess who watched Paranormal Activity 2!

Finally, the wait is over. Well for one of them atleast. I have finally watched Paranormal Activity 2 and let me tell you, it was worth the wait. It has an ending that will leave you hanging wanting to see what happens, protesting for a third. I leave you with this, You have to watch it. Movie of the year (besides harry potter?) It is must see. Now i have to wait a couple of days for part one of the thrilling series Harry Potter to come out. Then i have to wait untill next april when Scream 4 comes out. Remember must see movie for all those horror and paranormal holics. I hope number 3 comes out soon. I have to see what happened with Katie and Hunter!

P.S. Check out my new profile pic!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2

Can't wait to watch this thrilling sequel to the horror highlight of 2009. It is out now at the movies and i am hanging to go see it. I think I'm going this weekend. It looks so good, i don't think i can wait. I loved one and apparently two is way better than the first. Sick of waiting for sequels of movies to come out. After i watch Paranormal Activity 2, i have to wait to November to watch Harry Potter 7 part 1 and then i have to wait to watch Scream 4 next year. SO many good movies I'm dying to watch. Hurry Up! I hanging for these to come out. I don't know how much longer i can handle it.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Did i ever mention my baby brother Lucas Damien Cohen was born. Woops! Ok Lucas was born on the 24th of July. Theres a photo of him as my profile pic!


OH! I never said this. Good old collingwood forever, they know how to play the game, side by side they stick together, for the good old collingwood name, see the barackas shouting, as all barackas should, all the premierships for cakewalk, for the good old collingwood. Go the 2010 premiers.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A great idea

Tomorrow, at writers club/book club we are discussing about a great idea that Ms Burtzynski (sorry if i spelt wrong). The great idea is too create a magazine/book with many short stories written by writer's club. I thought it was a fantastic idea. If we agree it will be official. I just don't know what to write. I'm in the middle of the 5th novel in my series 'The three brothers' Oh wow, i love this idea. Oh i know, i can write an outline for my novels!!!! Or i can create a complete different story.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The New Harry Potter 7 Movie trailer is awesome!!

To see click the link below.
Pretty Cool Yeah! I cant wait until November 19 which is set as the release date of the movie based on the popular series 'Harry Potter' written by J.K Rowling. Then i have to wait to July (Next Year) to watch the second part of the last book. It must be pretty popular because it is screening world-wide (books world-wide too). (Both Parts.) With many genres such as Adventure,Drama,Fantasy and Mystery, the last 2 movies will make a serious impact. If you like this follow the blog (Site above). I have already as i am a huge fan. I have read all the seven books but will not say anything just in case i spoil it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Im Back :(

I havn't been on since i have been in Queensland which was the 10th-17th of April. It is now May. Queensland was really fun and exciting but now i am back at School :( too bad. i will tell you the order of the themeparks i went to. Believe it or not i went to Dream World 3 times lol.
1st. Wet 'n'wild
2nd. Movie world
3rd. Sea World
4th. Dream World
5th. White Water World\Dream World
6th. Movie World
7th. Dream World
My Favrioute for each themepark was.......
Wet 'n' wild......the tornado
Movie world.....Superman Roller Coaster\Wild West Falls
Sea World.......Sea Viper
Dream world.... Tower of Terror or The Wipeout and Giant Drop
White water world.... Rocket Slide

Monday, April 12, 2010

Today I went to..........

Today we went to Movie World. It was great fun with lots of excitement.I got a spray-on tatoo. It is a cross. My 5-year old cousin Brayden is really irritating me and my brother. lol but we got used of it. Tomorrow i am going to either Sea World, White Water World or Dream World. Can't wait to find out.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Surprise!

A trip to tazzy turned into a trip to queenslND. us kids were surprised. just went to wet 'n' wild. it was awesome

A Surprise!

A trip to tazzy turned into a trip to queenslND. us kids were surprised. just went to wet 'n' wild. it was awesome

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Holidays are normal for me but everyone else gets to sleep in. My mum and Dad work so i go to my nannas. I can stay home by my self but i find that boring. So i have to wake up at 7:30am from Monday to Friday everyday. But Saturday's and Sunday's i get to sleep in. I get an extra week holidays as i am going to Tasmania after Easter and i am really excited. So into i go back on my blog i say goodbye!!!! :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Flowers In the Attic by Virginia Andrews.

Last week I read a book that I have been hunting down for around two years. My friend Willis found it a public library. I starting reading it and i was excited.I read the series which was the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. I watched the movie to this book but the mother dies in the movie but she is alive in the other 3 books. That is why i wanted the book so bad. The book is about these 4 children and their mum must go to their grandparents house after their father and husband died but the twist is that the grandparents disowned the mum after she fell in love with her uncle. The children were locked in the attic because and their grandpa was dying and their grandma wish he did not find out about the kids. Their mum said it will only be for a couple of days. But the days stretched into months. Every day when the brother would bring food to th attic their would be poison sprinckled on the cookies. The youngst brother died and his twin sister was devestated. The 2 oldest kids escaped only to find their mother enganged and ready to be married. Cant wait to find out what happens next.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I got a new puppy.

here are some phots on what a pomeranien and rotweelers might look like.

I got a puppy durring the weekend. She is a pomeranien. Her name is peyton. She is so cute. I will put a photo of her and my other two dogs on soon.

Unrealated topic: did i mention that my mum is having a boy.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Isn't he cute. lol


Monday was exciting as it was the sunshine college swimming carnival. i got a ribbon in the event free style. i came 3rd and i was really proud of myself. I also competed in backstroke and breaststroke. i was going to come third in backstroke but i hit my hand on the wall and i couldn't swim anymore. we then had free time. Then i walked home from school at 2:30. What a day.

Unrelated Topic:
We find out what the baby is tommorow!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Cant Wait

Time is going fast with all the Cohen's happy. The next generation of Cohen's is about to be born. It started to kick yesterday. I think it is a soccer baby. Join me and count down the days untill the baby is born. 4 and a half months left. Wahoo!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lifes still going....

Life is continuing and i am getting older. So much has happened in the past 13 years. So much has been lost and so much has been gained. Lets facing we are not getting any younger and we must start planning for our futures. find out what you want to be in life and go for it. If you you believe in your self you can accomplish anything.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Magpies! Magpies! Magpies! That's all i here around the house when it comes to footy season. Only one person in my family doesn't barrack for magpies. Every one else does. Hi my name is Dylan Cohen and i live with my mum, dad and brother and soon there will be another trouble maker as my mum is pregnant.