Saturday, October 9, 2010

The New Harry Potter 7 Movie trailer is awesome!!

To see click the link below.
Pretty Cool Yeah! I cant wait until November 19 which is set as the release date of the movie based on the popular series 'Harry Potter' written by J.K Rowling. Then i have to wait to July (Next Year) to watch the second part of the last book. It must be pretty popular because it is screening world-wide (books world-wide too). (Both Parts.) With many genres such as Adventure,Drama,Fantasy and Mystery, the last 2 movies will make a serious impact. If you like this follow the blog (Site above). I have already as i am a huge fan. I have read all the seven books but will not say anything just in case i spoil it.


  1. There was alot more photos, but it wuldn't let me put them on. All that came up was that photo. How rude!!!

  2. I think it must be something to do with copyright. Never mind, we'll all see the movie soon enough. I can't wait, myself!

    Ms B

  3. Dying to watch it. Also dying to watch Scream 4 but that dosn't come out to next year :(
