Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lifes still going....

Life is continuing and i am getting older. So much has happened in the past 13 years. So much has been lost and so much has been gained. Lets facing we are not getting any younger and we must start planning for our futures. find out what you want to be in life and go for it. If you you believe in your self you can accomplish anything.


  1. You tell us like it is, Dylan! Absolutely no reason why you can't do anything if you try. Well, okay, I'm never going to sing opera or ride a surfboard ... I could try the surfboard, though.

  2. Lol Miss Bursztyski. Did you know i have surfed before. I was at Queenscliff over the past holidays and i went to the beach. On the surfing board i brought i stood on it when i was in the water. Then a big wave came and i didn't fall off and before i knew it i was surfing. it was an experience i will not forget.

  3. That sounds wonderful, Dylan! I think surfing must be a joyous experience. Maybe next summer I'll try it.

    BTW, you wanted to know how to send your name to Mars and I didn't get a chance to tell you the other day. So, for the benefit of you and all your readers, here's what to do: you go to and click into "For Students". Then you click "Send Your Name To Mars". It asks for your name, country and postcode, then gives you a certificate you can print out. It may go over two pages and you will have to cut and paste the bits together, but it's worth it. I'm framing mine.


    Your teacher Ms B
