Friday, March 4, 2011


Here are my other projects on Inkpop. and I am planning on putting the second book of the series 'The Three Brothers' which is called the shocking discovery. The Three Brothers was a huge hit, with me recieving 17 comments, 6 picks and 4 watches. I have waited to put on the second because i wanted to see how people of inkpop thought. Unfortantly, my second book has been erased so i will have to write it again which is okay because it was the shortest. It was only 4 pages so i will get that done. A month after that i will put the next one on.

Ok! Oh and Ms Burtzynski! Would you mind starting an inkpop and putting comments on all of my projects. The more comments/picks that are on the project that means more people will check it out.

Thx for your time.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry it took me so long to get back to this, Dylan. My Internet connection doesn't seem to like blogs! Even my Livejournal takes ages to load or refuses to load at all. But I finally read your two poems and they're very sweet. You must really adore your baby brother. keep it up. I sang to my own baby brother when he was born and we're still close. I think I may even have sung the same song as you - the original, though Now I take HIS kids out during the holidays!

    As for the other one - oh, my, you've got it bad, haven't you? Does she know?
