Monday, October 25, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2

Can't wait to watch this thrilling sequel to the horror highlight of 2009. It is out now at the movies and i am hanging to go see it. I think I'm going this weekend. It looks so good, i don't think i can wait. I loved one and apparently two is way better than the first. Sick of waiting for sequels of movies to come out. After i watch Paranormal Activity 2, i have to wait to November to watch Harry Potter 7 part 1 and then i have to wait to watch Scream 4 next year. SO many good movies I'm dying to watch. Hurry Up! I hanging for these to come out. I don't know how much longer i can handle it.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Did i ever mention my baby brother Lucas Damien Cohen was born. Woops! Ok Lucas was born on the 24th of July. Theres a photo of him as my profile pic!


OH! I never said this. Good old collingwood forever, they know how to play the game, side by side they stick together, for the good old collingwood name, see the barackas shouting, as all barackas should, all the premierships for cakewalk, for the good old collingwood. Go the 2010 premiers.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A great idea

Tomorrow, at writers club/book club we are discussing about a great idea that Ms Burtzynski (sorry if i spelt wrong). The great idea is too create a magazine/book with many short stories written by writer's club. I thought it was a fantastic idea. If we agree it will be official. I just don't know what to write. I'm in the middle of the 5th novel in my series 'The three brothers' Oh wow, i love this idea. Oh i know, i can write an outline for my novels!!!! Or i can create a complete different story.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The New Harry Potter 7 Movie trailer is awesome!!

To see click the link below.
Pretty Cool Yeah! I cant wait until November 19 which is set as the release date of the movie based on the popular series 'Harry Potter' written by J.K Rowling. Then i have to wait to July (Next Year) to watch the second part of the last book. It must be pretty popular because it is screening world-wide (books world-wide too). (Both Parts.) With many genres such as Adventure,Drama,Fantasy and Mystery, the last 2 movies will make a serious impact. If you like this follow the blog (Site above). I have already as i am a huge fan. I have read all the seven books but will not say anything just in case i spoil it.