Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Isn't he cute. lol


Monday was exciting as it was the sunshine college swimming carnival. i got a ribbon in the event free style. i came 3rd and i was really proud of myself. I also competed in backstroke and breaststroke. i was going to come third in backstroke but i hit my hand on the wall and i couldn't swim anymore. we then had free time. Then i walked home from school at 2:30. What a day.

Unrelated Topic:
We find out what the baby is tommorow!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Cant Wait

Time is going fast with all the Cohen's happy. The next generation of Cohen's is about to be born. It started to kick yesterday. I think it is a soccer baby. Join me and count down the days untill the baby is born. 4 and a half months left. Wahoo!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lifes still going....

Life is continuing and i am getting older. So much has happened in the past 13 years. So much has been lost and so much has been gained. Lets facing we are not getting any younger and we must start planning for our futures. find out what you want to be in life and go for it. If you you believe in your self you can accomplish anything.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Magpies! Magpies! Magpies! That's all i here around the house when it comes to footy season. Only one person in my family doesn't barrack for magpies. Every one else does. Hi my name is Dylan Cohen and i live with my mum, dad and brother and soon there will be another trouble maker as my mum is pregnant.