Sunday, January 29, 2012

Slasher Update

As you may be aware I have not updated you on the progress of the new horror/thriller film Slasher. There are three main reasons. 1.Dates were hard to find especially since this summer was busy. 2.Corey Cohen who was the the killer was grounded for the summer resulting into a main not being able to film. And 3.A new script is being rewritten. The movie would of only been good with the original script. We want an awesome movie so a new script was needed. The new script so far is actually way better with more dialogue, emotion and deaths. A new character has been added into the film as well. But the new character Mickie is only in one scene as she is not a main.

Due to all this...Slasher has been postponed big time. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will let you know all major updates once I receive them.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead, America's most watched show makes you so hooked that you can't take your eye off the TV.

Full with love, betrayal, death and zombie madness, this show is a great pick for all.

From the first episode till the very end you wont even move. It's so good, I watched a whole season in one night even though I was tired.

It follows a group of people who camp deep in the woods hoping for survival. There low on weapons and can't make too much noise. So many different personalities collide with not only the zombies but with each other.

With likable characters, good effects and a hell of a story line, I seriously consider you watching this one of a kind show.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Okay as i said earlier today, we started Slasher today. Although we only got a part of a scene filmed, it is still process. We were unable to get the full scene filmed due to Thando's absence. :( I'll keep you updated as this film continues to film.


Postponed Tragic

As you may be aware, it's the 4th and there has been no news on the first day of filming which was supposed too be on the 2nd. That is because Slasher has been Postponed due to weather and work. But not to worry guys, we are starting in just a few hours. But a downside is stopping us once again. Thando Bhebe who is supposed to play a main named Maria can not be contacted and she is unaware of what is happening today. Her mobile is off and no one has her home number. But that's not stopping us. Today, we are going to finalize everything such as dates/scenes/costume/music, etc. We hope we can get in contact with Thando before our first day of filming which should be Friday. I'll give you all the updates hopefully this afternoon.


I forgot to say that this is the first post of 2012. LOL Happy new year everybody!